The Game is a tool that serves as an introduction or refresher course for association management best practices and key concepts and can also be used in preparation for professional certification exams.
Using a colorful card deck and trivia format, The Game contains a comprehensive set of 220 questions and answers, divided into nine subject areas such as leadership, public policy and communications. Acumen staff has found the card game fun and easy to use, making learning creative and challenging, whether used alone or as part of a study group.
According to Association Acumen’s CEO, Gail Bast, “the cards present the information in a thorough but entertaining manner. This is a great way of testing your knowledge of association management best practices. It’s a very effective study tool and demonstrates to our boards that we value professional development and are committed to making best practices better.”
The goal of The Game is to benefit career advancement, boost learning development and build association acumen!